Foto de Ruben Dario Burschtin Uruguay

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Activities’s resumé

Date and place of birth 10/10/1955 Bs. As. Argentina

Very young he lives with his family in Montevideo, Uruguay

From 12 to 15 years of age he paints and preservers his oil paintings

He continues to paint until he is 18 years old

At age 47 he begins painting again and continues to paint today

.Montevideo 04/05/2003.
He starts studying with the professor Aldo Curto
He has been working with him...

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Activities’s resumé

Date and place of birth 10/10/1955 Bs. As. Argentina

Very young he lives with his family in Montevideo, Uruguay

From 12 to 15 years of age he paints and preservers his oil paintings

He continues to paint until he is 18 years old

At age 47 he begins painting again and continues to paint today

.Montevideo 04/05/2003.
He starts studying with the professor Aldo Curto
He has been working with him since then with the Oil’s technique

In paralel
At the year 2004 he studies the Draw Technique with Oscar Larroca
At the year 2004 he studies the Oil technique with the professor Fernando Oliveri
At the year 2005 assists classes with the pofessor Guillermo Fernández
At the year 2006 studies with Curto part of the year
At the year 2006assits the Cléver Lara’s atelier


.2003. Shared Exhibition at PàrvaDomus
.2004. Shared Exhibition at Tres Cruces
.2004. Shared Exhibition at PàrvaDomus
.2005. Shared Exhibition at Tres Cruces
.2005. Shared Exhibition at the Casmu’s Plastic Arts’s saloon
.2005. Obtains one of the 6th Mentions at the 3rd. Saloon at the Plastic Art’s Contest
2006. Shared Exhibition at the Theatre Cerro in Montevideo Cléver Lara’s atelier


Age 50 years old
nationality ARGENTINIAN / Legal Resident in Uruguay
pseudonymous Burruda

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